By Eddie Fleming |  November 4, 2014  |



For several weeks now, St. Johns County political candidates have been complaining about the major disappearance of their road side campaign signs.

One candidate, had other aspirants signs dumped in their front yard while the family was away from home.

A few contenders were contacted by local police departments.  The police officers said other candidates had complained that they had witnessed their opponents taking their signs. However, the candidates making the accusations could not produce witnesses or photographs of the accused removing the signs.

After a little digging, it was reported that Michael Wanchick, aka “Golden Parachute Boy,” St. Johns County Administrator, had ordered county employees to remove campaign signs. The order gave instructions to search throughout the county and remove all signs placed in public access areas. St. Johns County regulations prohibits campaign and other signs from being displayed in the public access areas. The problem being, many public access areas are difficult to distinguish from private property.

A visit to the St. Johns County Tillman Ridge Land Fill displayed several hundred campaign signs dumped in the area designated for their disposal. It appeared there were signs from most of the candidates, some chopped up and others in excellent condition. The metal frames were missing from most of the signs.

Robert T. Smith, aka GOP Bob

Robert T. Smith, aka GOP Bob

It was reported on Friday, October 31st, a SJC Deputy removed Bob Smith, aka GOP Bob, from the Tillman Ridge Land Fill following his discourteous treatment of county employees. Mr. Smith attempted to remove campaign signs by placing them in his automobile. He was asked for written authorization from the candidates. He had none. He was asked to call them to allow the land fill Manager to verify his authority. Mr. Smith then became unreasonable.

Several days prior to this incident, it was reported to this writer, Mr. Smith had contacted a candidate and said the State Attorney was drawing up charges against the candidate and the plan was to incarcerate the candidate for 365 days. Mr. Smith has apparently become judge and jury, considering that this incident is true.

Bob Smith is a known associate of Randy Covington, Eric West, Michael Gold, Randy Brunson and other St. Johns County Republican operatives.

I suggest the Republican Party of St. Johns County restrain Mr. Smith from such future activities. But, oh yes, we have been there before concerning Mr. Smith and his behavior.

More to follow on missing and destroyed signs…..

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