Rep DeSantis does not make sense of much…but supports Boehner

Rep. Ron DeSantis

By Dr. Eddie Fleming  |  January 11, 2015  |

Apparently, Rep. Ron DeSantis, 6-FL has finally realized how upset his constituents are at the fact he cast his vote for the election of Rep. John Boehner as Speaker of the House on Tuesday, January 6th.  I received the enclosed email earlier Sunday morning, January 11, 2016 (See Bottom of Posting).

DeSantis wrote, “…it did not make sense to me to have a divisive intraparty fight when “success” meant electing a Speaker with a less conservative record than John Boehner.”

I have found that not much makes sense to DeSantis.   It made sense to DeSantis to state he was assigned to  “NAVY SEAL TEAM 1” when he first announced his candidacy for the United States Congress.  In fact, DeSantis was a Naval JAG Officer assigned as a legal advisor to the Navy Seal Team 1 Command.  A Lawyer for you non-military type.  A few phone calls cleared up that mess.

Rep. DeSantis also found it did not make sense to vote for the Hurricane Sandy relief bill.  Did he really not care about those made homeless by the hurricane?

We often think about our own family members and the trials and tribulations they may undergo in their relationships.  Rep. DeSantis, however, did not think it made much sense to vote for the Violence Against Women Re-Authorization Act of 2013.

Currently, DeSantis seems to have thought it made sense to vote for Boehner for Speaker when 60 percent of the country demanded Boehner be removed from the Speaker’s position.

Apparently, it does not matter what we the voters think any longer.  Rep. DeSantis has made it abundantly clear that he does not chose to listen to his constituents no matter what he says on the radio, TV or the mailers and emails his staff sends out to keep them busy.

Let us hope DeSantis understands how much sense it makes when the voters move to vote him out of office in 2016 for not representing them in Congress.

Rep. Ron DeSantis written excuse for casting his vote for Boehner

Rep. Ron DeSantis | January 11, 2015|by email to [email protected]

During the first week of the new Congress, the House passed a bill that will remove bureaucratic roadblocks in order to allow for the approval and construction of the Keystone pipeline. It is disappointing that the President has already declared that he will veto this bipartisan legislation, ignoring that fact that the Keystone pipeline will create thousands of American jobs, put a downward pressure on energy prices, inject billions of dollars into our economy, and increase America’s energy security.
The House also selected John Boehner from Ohio as Speaker of the House. Many are dissatisfied with Boehner’s leadership and wanted to see him deposed on the House floor. A mini-rebellion ensued, as 25 members declined to support Boehner; had 11 more members defected, Boehner would have been denied a majority and a second round of voting would have been required.

I have been a consistent critic of Boehner’s leadership and have frequently bucked him on important votes, such as the vote on the CRomnibus during the lame duck session of the 113th Congress. Yet, I didn’t join the rebellion. For me, there is a need not simply for different leadership, but better leadership. The House GOP conducted its election for Speaker following the November elections; nobody ran against Boehner and he was selected as the GOP Conference’s nominee by acclamation. THAT was the correct time to wage a leadership challenge.

As it was, a few protest candidates emerged in the days leading up to the January 6th vote on the House floor, but none of them received more than a handful of votes. Therefore, I was convinced that the members of Congress best in a position to capitalize on a Boehner defeat and to seize the Speaker’s gavel were members who many of my constituents would like less than Boehner. At a time when we need to unify against the President’s executive overreach, it did not make sense to me to have a divisive intraparty fight when “success” meant electing a Speaker with a less conservative record than John Boehner.

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Congressman Ron DeSantis

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